What other’s that have made the move have told us to tell you……

“TCI training and organization of blue cards was very helpful in preparing we got off to a good start. Australian staff picked us up from the airport and had welcome packages for us on arrival . They have looked after us extremely well.” Feedback from IR Applicant (25.04.2024)

“Apply for your TFN number (Tax Number) as soon as you get your Australian address (temporary). Also join an estate agent group and make a profile (Domain or Real Estate for Queensland’s )” Feedback from IR Applicant (25.04.2024)

“Be prepared for a change in culture and be open to learning and adapting to a new environment. It's a chance for personal growth and cultural enrichment. View this experience as a significant learning curve in your professional development. Being open to new ways of working and different approaches can lead to substantial growth and skill enhancement” Feedback from IR Applicant (22.05.2024)

“Embrace the opportunity and enjoy the experience. Trust that visa processes, police checks, and other administrative tasks will fall into place as they should” Feedback from IR Applicant (22.05.2024)

“Coming on a 417 visa has its benefits like the 15% income tax and the fast processing but it does make things difficult when applying for finance or renting property so it’s something to consider. Whether starting on a 482 is better for some. Be on your paperwork as soon as you can get driving license, x2 Bank accounts one for using with the YPs and a personal” Feedback from IR Applicant (26.04.2024)

“The team here in Cairns is amazing everyone has been so welcoming and friendly. Very quick to identify any thing we have needed and help to provide or point in the right direction. The team in the UK, have been amazing and super supportive throughout the process. They were always on emails sending forms over and finding out the answers to question as I had them.” Feedback from IR Applicant (26.04.2024)

“Avoid comparing everything to what you would do in the UK. Remember that Australia has different norms and a different way of working. Be open to learning and adapting to the Australian way of doing things. Feedback from IR Applicant (22.05.2024)

“If traveling alone, give yourself time to adjust. It's natural to feel lonely or anxious initially, but these feelings will ebb and flow. Give yourself the chance to acclimate and explore the new surroundings” Feedback from IR Applicant (22.05.2024)